Fair Wear Foundation Reports
Fair Wear Foundation Reports
Fair Wear Foundation
Since 2021, Icebug has been a member of the Fair Wear Foundation, a non-profit organization that conducts third-party inspections of factories, focusing on working conditions in the clothing and footwear industry.
Icebug ranked as "Leader"
At the end of January 2025, Icebug was ranked in the highest category, "Leader", after undergoing Fair Wear’s latest review, known as the Brand Performance Check. We are, of course, very proud of this achievement—one we wouldn’t have reached without our factory partners and their employees—but our commitment to continuous improvement remains as strong as ever.
Many companies still exploit workers with poor conditions
– Working for fair working conditions and wages is a given for us. Building a successful company by exploiting people can never be OK, and when buying extremely cheap clothing or shoes, one must be aware that someone else is paying the price. Through our collaboration with the Fair Wear Foundation and our factories, we increase transparency and show that we stand behind everything we produce, says Icebug’s CEO, David Ekelund.
Long-term partnerships
For Icebug, a key factor has been maintaining long-term partnerships with the same factories. Rather than jumping between suppliers based on the lowest available price at any given moment, building lasting relationships allows factory owners to provide their employees with job security and fair conditions.
We can drive change
– We have both a responsibility and an opportunity to make a difference. This is an industry where many workers are paid by the piece, with no job security and poor wages. As business owners, we can drive change, and as consumers, we can refuse to support unscrupulous companies selling low-quality goods online, says David Ekelund.
Want to learn more? Visit fairwear.org to find other member companies and more information. And last but not least: don’t hesitate to ask about working conditions when shopping for new clothes—especially when the price seems too good to be true.
Vi bruker vår virksomhet til å gjøre godt
Icebug er ikke bare dedikert til å produsere sko av høy kvalitet som holder deg på farten uansett værforhold, men også til å sette et positivt preg på verden. Vår ambisjon strekker seg utover det tradisjonelle – vi ønsker å omdefinere standardene i skobransjen ved å være bevisst vårt miljømessige og sosiale ansvar. Vi prioriterer bærekraftige valg, fra holdbarhet til lave karbonutslipp, alltid med dyp respekt for både mennesker og vår felles planet. Når du investerer i et par Icebug-sko, blir du også en del av denne visjonen. En andel av våre inntekter går nemlig direkte til støtte for organisasjoner som arbeider for å bevare verdifull gammelskog.