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Reports & Initiatives

Ecocide Law Alliance

Reports & Initiatives

Ecocide Law Alliance

Ecocide Law Alliance

Ecocide means unlawful or wanton acts committed with the knowledge that there is a substantial likelihood of severe and either widespread or long-term damage to the environment being caused by those acts.

It destroys the nature on which we all depend. It also undermines many sustainable businesses. There is currently no effective way to stop it. Law is missing, and only law can fill the gap. 

Ecocide Law Alliance works to change this, and Icebug gives support through signing the initiative, co-signing op-eds, and spreading the word that it should be criminal to destroy our planet!

We use our business to do good

At Icebug, we’re committed to making better shoes that help you get out every day – no matter the conditions. Also, we have decided to change our industry by taking responsibility for our footprint. Our goal is to make footwear with great durability, low CO2 emissions and respect for people and planet. Part of the money that you invest in us, we give back to the planet by donating to organizations that, for instance, work to preserve old-growth forests.